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Polina Pullover KAL

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  • Join us for the latest Tribe KAL, kicking off Jun 2024!

    We are so excited to present this newest Tribe KAL! As with previous KALs, your purchase is 100% redeemable against your yarn purchase.

    On this KAL, we'll be knitting the amazing Polina Pullover pattern by Teti Lutsak @tetisknitgarden, but using the intarsia technique, instead of stranded colourwork, and we will be knitting it flat instead of "in the round".

    Our Zoom-based KALs are guided, which means we will be showing technique, with tips and advice as we go, and you don't have to have any intarsia experience to join, but you should be very confident with basic knit and purl stitches, and casting on.

    We'll tackle this lot on this KAL:
    choosing yarns and colours
    converting the pattern from "in the round" to flat
    intarsia knitting & bobbins
    duplicate stitch
    make your own intarsia motifs

     how to customise your sweater
    Seaming your pieces, and expert mattress stitch

    We're there to guide you all the way: all the technique, tips, colour advice and camaraderie you've come to expect from our fabulous KALs! 
    (Zoom recordings will be sent in case you can't make it, or want to view later).

    Your KAL Coupon is 100% redeemable against your yarn purchase! (Which basically means all the technique and Zoom sessions are free 😁.)

    Tribe KALs are all about community, yarny friendships, support and laughs. We keep doing them because they are so much fun! Try to keep your Friday evenings free during the KAL so you can get the most out of the KAL. Whilst there is a good amount of technique discussed during the sessions, the idea is more of a "knit-along" as opposed to workshops. It's more of a social thing😁, where we encourage and inspire others with our creations.

    Your KAL Includes:

    Tribe Coupon You can pick your perfect yarn from our massive selection! Check out the Yarn Recommendations tab on this page, or wait until you get your first email for more info.

    We will email you a £95 coupon as soon as you sign up!
    You can purchase the pattern from Ravelry here
    All pattern modifications will be taught on the KA
    Informal and friendly, and completely interactive.
    You'll be emailed links to all the recordings in case you can't make it, and so you can re-watch at your leisure
    Ravelry Group A private Ravelry group just for us where we can share our progress, tips, pics and more!

    You will also need the following:

    3.0 mm, 3.5mm needles (or other sizes depending on yarn and gauge). We recommend circular needles because you'll have a lot of stitches on your needles at times because there are no side seams.
     Tapestry needle for your ends and duplicate stitch

  • Recommended Yarns

    Here's a link to the yarns we love for this pattern, based on gauge and fibers. Feel free to mix and match, but try to keep the same family of yarns for each "part" so it doesn't look too messy.


    Please check the pattern for size info. (The sample shown in the pics is Size 2, but knit on larger 3.5mm and 3.75mm needles.)

    Yardage requirements will depend on your size, gauge, neck line options and modifications.

  • Zoom Sessions:
    Fri 7th Jun, 8pm BST:Intro zoom, inspirations slide show, modifications ideas, Stitch Fiddle, sizing etc.
    Fri 14th Jun, 8pm BST:Cast on and neck line knitting, and intro to intarsia
    Fri 21st Jun, 8pm BST:More intarsia, with bobbin calcs and tips, duplicate stitch
    Fri 28th Jun:NO ZOOM
    Fri 5th Jul, 8pm, BST: Modified Bind for for sewn bind off
    Fri 12th Jul, 8pm BST:
    Seaming, finishing, blocking
    (More Zoom sessions will be added if needed)

    Tribe Coupon:
    Your £95 Coupon can be used towards any purchase on our website, except for Gift Cards. It is valid for 12 months. We highly recommend using yarns purchased from Tribe for your KAL, but you can easily use up some stash on this pattern too.

    We can't advise on yarns that we don't sell, and we love to share our KALers projects to help us to sell more lovely yarn (just to be super up front about it 😊.)

    Zoom and KAL Rules:

    Please do not share Zoom details with anyone, including recordings. All attendees on Zoom are required to have their camera (don't worry - no one will judge you for messy hair, messy bedroom etc 😁). Upon joining, Zoom attendees give permission for the sessions to be recorded and shared amongst KAL participants only. 

    I (Milli) will be available for KAL help during Zoom sessions and via the Ravelry group only. I'm afraid I can't address individual help via emails or phone.

    Be kind and courteous.

    No hate speech or bullying.

    No promotions or spam. Please do not use the group to promote products from other sellers.

    Respect everyone's privacy.

    We very much encourage modifications, personalisations and knitting beyond your comfort zone! 🙌🏽

    Have fun! That's the most important rule.